Showing 12 of 22 resources
Peer 4 Peer Podcast with Stephen Scott
Stephen Scott is the General Manager – Strategy &…
May 17 2023, 10.07amPhoenix Rising – Tori’s Story
Tori is a trans woman who shares her personal…
Sep 1 2022, 5.27amInclusive advocacy for suicide prevention for everyone
Presenters: Presented by Roses in the Ocean’s former LGBTIQA+…
May 16 2022, 5.53amThe emerging suicide prevention workforce: exploring opportunities for parallel paid and volunteer roles
Our CEO Bronwen Edwards speaks about the emerging suicide…
May 12 2022, 4.35amLived Experience of suicide informed and inclusive culture change suite of resources
Roses in the Ocean is proud to launch our…
Mar 24 2022, 3.13amMy journey of suicidal crisis
… was over a twenty-five-year period. The main theme…
Mar 21 2022, 6.29amIn the nick of time
I was rudely interrupted by an angel while arranging…
Mar 21 2022, 4.01amWellbeing Wifi
Well before co-design was part of her vocabulary, 11-year-old…
Mar 16 2022, 1.18amDefining outcomes & measuring impact in suicide prevention
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.38amPop-up safe spaces | LE Summit workshop
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.34amEstablishing a men’s lived experience network
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.22amOur collaborative journey to creating a safe space: Practical tips and reflections on collaboration and lived experience advocacy
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.17am