Showing 12 of 18 resources
Peer 4 Peer Podcast with Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis is a mental health and suicide prevention…
May 31 2023, 2.23pmRoses Radio with Kristy
In this Roses Radio podcast, Kristy shares the stories…
Oct 17 2022, 4.51amRoses Radio with Jason
In this Roses Radio podcast, Jason shares the stories…
Oct 17 2022, 4.25amWorking together to prevent suicide
Presenters: Dr Alex Hains and Bruce McMillan Working Together…
May 16 2022, 5.40amThe emerging suicide prevention workforce: exploring opportunities for parallel paid and volunteer roles
Our CEO Bronwen Edwards speaks about the emerging suicide…
May 12 2022, 4.35amLived Experience of suicide informed and inclusive culture change suite of resources
Roses in the Ocean is proud to launch our…
Mar 24 2022, 3.13amSaturday following closure
What a journey it has been over the last…
Mar 21 2022, 6.13amA mother’s fight against stigma
My story begins with a broken family one that…
Mar 21 2022, 6.01amThrough the blue lens
Thoughts, visions and smells flood my mind, My blue…
Mar 21 2022, 4.56amBe the change
The reason I wanted to participate in this project…
Mar 21 2022, 4.51amMusing
Silence and awkwardness Fear and despair Why does stigma…
Mar 21 2022, 3.35amRoses Radio with Andy
In this Roses Radio podcast, Andy shares the stories…
Feb 21 2022, 5.48am