Showing 36 of 45 resources
Through the blue lens
Thoughts, visions and smells flood my mind, My blue…
Mar 21 2022, 4.56amFirst Christmas without you
It’s our very first Christmas without you, I feel…
Mar 21 2022, 4.45amIn the nick of time
I was rudely interrupted by an angel while arranging…
Mar 21 2022, 4.01amDefining outcomes & measuring impact in suicide prevention
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.38amPop-up safe spaces | LE Summit workshop
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.34amEstablishing a men’s lived experience network
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.22amOur collaborative journey to creating a safe space: Practical tips and reflections on collaboration and lived experience advocacy
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.17amCo-designing suicide prevention peer working training for carers
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.14amSpeaking up and speaking out: Making services more inclusive through the voices of LGBTIQA+ lived experience
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.09amSupporting a loved one, family member or friend experiencing suicidal distress
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.04am