Showing 48 of 59 resources
Through the blue lens
Thoughts, visions and smells flood my mind, My blue…
Mar 21 2022, 4.56amIn the nick of time
I was rudely interrupted by an angel while arranging…
Mar 21 2022, 4.01amAt the chalkface of suicide
I experience the extraordinary privilege of being an educator.
Mar 21 2022, 3.41amOde to carers
So, what do we do now? That moment. That…
Mar 21 2022, 3.32amDefining outcomes & measuring impact in suicide prevention
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.38amPop-up safe spaces | LE Summit workshop
* Please note, the recording does not include the…
Mar 14 2022, 4.34amEstablishing a men’s lived experience network
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.22amOur collaborative journey to creating a safe space: Practical tips and reflections on collaboration and lived experience advocacy
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.17amCo-designing suicide prevention peer working training for carers
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.14amSpeaking up and speaking out: Making services more inclusive through the voices of LGBTIQA+ lived experience
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.09amSupporting a loved one, family member or friend experiencing suicidal distress
*Please note, the recording does not include the content…
Mar 14 2022, 4.04am