Sector Priorities & Collaborations

We will save more lives and reduce more emotional distress and pain by collaborating for the good of those we service.


At Roses in the Ocean, we believe that collaboration is essential when developing, reviewing and implementing any suicide prevention service, program or activity.
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Current Co-designs

Co-designing better services by involving people with a lived experience of suicide.
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Community-led Safe Spaces

… supporting communities to create and lead the safe spaces that meet their local needs.
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Peer CARE Companion in Community

A ‘golden thread’ of trained and supported community members with a lived experience of suicide supporting others in community with a lived experience of suicide.
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Peer CARE Companion Warmline

A suicide prevention ‘warmline’ call-back service which has been created by Roses in the Ocean to provide a safe place for people with a lived experience of suicide to connect with others with a similar lived experience of suicide.
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National Safe Spaces Network

As the national leader in lived experience informed systems innovation, Roses in the Ocean has played a central role in the conceptual and practical development of this innovative new service model.
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Lived experience of suicide informed and inclusive culture change suite of resources

A culmination of ten years of developing best practice in lived experience of suicide engagement, development and integration.

The resources are designed to guide service providers, organisations and government to engage, integrate and partner with people with lived experience of suicide.

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