Collective Voices | Suicide Attempt Survivors with John

Representing the countless voices and experiences through stories and insights from suicide attempt survivors and their intersecting experiences.

“It was heartbreaking at times because when I was growing up I had a hatred of my gender because my mentor was an abuser and I didn’t want to be an abuser when I grew up, so I hated my gender. That was the one drawback but I managed to fight through that and through various organisations I built my confidence level up to a point where I could function sort of normally.” – John tells his story of abuse and his resulting attempts to end his life and how he found the sheer determination to get through.

* Please be aware that childhood abuse features in the story. If you are a survivor of childhood abuse, you can find support with samsn.

Date Published
March 21, 2024
men , suicidal thoughts , suicidality , suicide attempt , trauma
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