Peer CARE Companion Warmline is a suicide prevention call-back service that has been created by Roses in the Ocean to provide a safe place for people with a lived experience of suicide to connect with others with a similar lived experience of suicide. The service provides people with an opportunity to connect, be heard, and for their distress to be compassionately explored and understood by another person through the mutual understanding that comes with meaningful shared experience. 

This service may assist in providing relief from emotional distress, explore coping strategies, provide suggestions for online resources and/or information. 

Peer CARE Companion in Community is a face-to-face suicide prevention service providing a ‘golden thread’ of trained and supported community members with lived experience of suicide, known as Peer CARE Companions available to compliment and supplement existing services. The volunteer-based service will strengthen many existing suicide prevention services including aftercare, postvention and safe spaces, and address service and support gaps in community by providing ‘light touch’ peer support and connection. Peer CARE Companion community connections may vary from having a coffee with someone, accompanying them to an appointment, cooking a meal, walking a dog, or just chatting.