Capacity-building workshops

Providing opportunities for people with a lived experience of suicide, and organisations and government, to develop their capacity, confidence, and expertise to integrate and partner with each other.

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Our lived experience of suicide is just one part of who we are. Roses in the Ocean engages the whole person and facilitates opportunities to harness your diverse skill sets and expertise with our range of capacity-building workshops.  Develop your capacity, confidence, and expertise to integrate and partner in your chosen area within suicide prevention.

Developing a Lived Experience expertise

Workshops for people with lived experience of suicide


The Voices of In-sight workshop is a highly reflective, facilitated process where you are afforded the gift of time… time to reflect and explore your own story, time to connect with others who have walked in similar shoes, time to hear different perspectives of suicide, and time to develop a structured, impactful message. Sharing your lived experience of suicide story may be just the beginning of you contributing to how suicide and suicide prevention are thought about and approached though.
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Our Voice in Action is a two-day capacity building workshop designed to empower people with a lived experience of suicide to effectively draw upon their lived experience and develop key skills to inform, influence change and enhance existing suicide prevention activities. The workshop explores managing expectations and power imbalances, casting a critical lens over content and imagery, and provides an opportunity to experience a consultation process that feeds into our national qualitative research project.
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Collaborating to Create Change is a powerful workshop for people with lived experience of suicide and those seeking to meaningfully partner with them. It explores the opportunities and challenges that comes with driving system reform including navigating power dynamics, expectations, time frames and differing advocacy priorities.
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The Critical Lens workshop is a highly engaging, thought provoking workshop that delves deeply into the impact of language and imagery. It is equally as relevant for people with lived experience of suicide developing their skills in reviewing and advising content, as well as people working in communications, marketing and sector organisations promoting services and events.
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Workshops to support literacy and culture change in organisations, services and government departments


Using the Building a Lived Experience Informed and Inclusive Culture: a practical guide for organisations resource as the framework for this workshop we offer professionals working in suicide prevention an opportunity to explore how they can better integrate lived experience knowledge and expertise across all aspects of their organisation’s work.
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The workshop is interactive and guides participants through a process of considering how they can plan and create a process where lived experience insights are valued and embedded at every step of program/service design.
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Lived Experience Informed Suicide Literacy training provides critical insight into suicide through the lens of those who have experienced it, educates and empowers employees to be proactive in recognising and responding to people in need of support, and guides organisations to resources and services which support their culture change. Roses in the Ocean customise these workshops to meet the specific needs of workplaces.
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Living Perspectives of Suicide is a full-day lived experience informed and delivered suicide awareness and intervention workshop designed specifically for frontline responders and social services staff.
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A workshop designed to support organisations who are embedding suicide prevention peer workers into their workforce. The first four hours are spent with the whole team (excluding peer workers) which is followed by a peer managers only two hour session. Discussions are very much driven by your specific needs, questions, concerns.
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Workshops for community


TouchPoints is a lived experience designed and delivered ‘lifekeeper’ workshop. The four-hour informative and interactive workshop is designed specifically to build the capacity and confidence of people to better understand and respond to suicide and is based on evidence based gatekeeper content and principles.
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This workshop has been designed for groups of community members who have come together around a common cause and recognise the importance of understanding and appreciating each other’s strengths and unique contributions.
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Workshops Schedule

Workshop Date Location Collaborating Org. Information Flyer Register
Collaborating to Create Change – Registrations Closed 12/09/2024 Online, SA Wellbeing SA Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 13/09/2024 - 14/09/2024 Cygnet, TAS Australian Department of Health - Access & Equity Download flyer Register
TouchPoints 18/09/2024 Lakelands, WA Neami National Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 20/09/2024 - 21/09/2024 Traralgon, VIC Wellways Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 04/10/2024 - 05/10/2024 Darwin, NT Australian Department of Health - Access & Equity Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 11/10/2024 - 12/10/2024 Bundaberg, QLD Australian Department of Health - Access & Equity Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 18/10/2024 - 19/10/2024 Cairns, QLD Download flyer Register
Lived Experience Informed Suicide Literacy 22/10/2024 Penrith, NSW Nepean Blue Mountains PHN Download flyer Register
Lived Experience Informed Suicide Literacy 23/10/2024 Hawkesbury, NSW Nepean Blue Mountains PHN Download flyer Register
Voices of In-Sight 01/11/2024 - 02/11/2024 Whyalla, SA Australian Department of Health - Access & Equity Download flyer Register

Workshop enquiries

To express your interest in attending one of our capacity-building workshops please click below to complete the form and we will be in touch as soon as an opportunity is available.


Our workshops centre around...

Suicide touches people from all walks of life. Our lived experience of suicide is just one part of who we are. Roses in the Ocean engages the whole person and facilitates opportunities to harness your diverse skill sets and expertise.

In order to leverage your skills, capabilities, expertise and lived experience, we first must ensure that you are ready to be involved, are safe and supported, trained in appropriate messaging and language, and possess current and accurate knowledge of suicide and suicide prevention.

At Roses in the Ocean we recognise that individuals have unique capabilities and different abilities to get involved in volunteer work. Our volunteers are offered the opportunity to engage at different levels in our Lived Experience Collective from ‘dip your toe in’ opportunities like helping out at a local community awareness event or completing a survey through to in-depth, skilled and representative involvement in policy and program development, advocacy and peer-to-peer support initiatives.

Customised training

In addition to the suite of offerings, Roses in the Ocean customise workshops and programs to meet specific needs within communities, service providers and organisations. Lived experience enhances programs by bringing greater meaning, connection and understanding to generic content and effects attitudinal change far more effectively.

All Roses in the Ocean programs are designed and developed by professional Facilitators who also have a personal lived experience of suicide. Roses in the Ocean Facilitators draw on their professional expertise to deliver a range of training programs and workshops which are informed and enhanced by their personal story of suicide and that of the members of our own Lived Experience Collective.

We also draw upon the the growing base of lived experience knowledge internationally to enhance training outcomes.  We believe delivering evidence-based training programs in combination with sharing the personal insights of suicide, increases the impact and depth of understanding achieved. This is a unique and powerful offering for Suicide Prevention Networks, Corporate and community groups, and Frontline Service Providers, and provides great opportunity for innovative collaboration amongst proactive suicide prevention organisations.

The stigma, prejudice and discrimination associated with suicide can prevent people from reaching out for help when they need it the most and hinders systemic responses to suicide. Research evidence from the field of psychology suggests that a key strategy to overcome prejudice is through direct contact with people who represent the stigmatised ‘other’. Extended to suicide prevention, it is likely that exposure to individuals with lived experience of suicide helps to reduce stigma and to build understanding that suicide can touch the life of anyone in the community.