Our vision

For every person to have access to effective suicide prevention that is informed or led by people with lived experience of suicide.

Our purpose

Roses in the Ocean exists to save lives and reduce emotional distress and pain.

Our strategy

At our heart and soul are people with a lived experience of suicide. We are dedicated to empowering those with a lived experience to find their voice, and to build their capacity to bring their insights and wisdom to suicide prevention.

We seek to lead the significant cultural shift needed to save lives through harnessing the perspectives of all we represent, along with our own lived experience of suicide. With our actions driven and guided by those with a lived experience of suicide, we innovate and transform suicide prevention, and drive and deliver system reform. We support organisations and government to effectively and meaningfully integrate lived experience expertise into suicide prevention.

Read our Strategic Plan

Our strategic imperatives:

  • Transforming service experience outcomes for community
    • Improve service experience and outcomes by implementing innovative solutions co-designed to meet the needs of individuals and communities
  • Building capacity, capability and confidence to save lives
    • grow diversity of lived experience movement
    • develop national SP peer workforce
    • deliver best practise accessible learning opportunities and resources
  • Driving system reform
    • drive reform towards a genuine no wrong door approach
    • collaborate with government, sector and community to embrace and implement lived experience of suicide culture change
  • Developing leadership and sustainability
    • demonstrate professional generosity and leadership
    • build depth and sustainability into lived experience of suicide movement, our organisation, individuals, communities, services and workforces
Our values:
  • Life – We cherish and embrace the journey that is life. We value our own and others’ physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Connection – We value authentic, compassionate and respectful connection.
  • Humility – We practice humility, acknowledging our own and others’ knowledge and skills, and lived experiences of suicide, and the limitations of each.
  • Deep Listening – We respect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ practice of deep listening and value the learning this brings.
  • Collaboration – We thrive on collaboration to build the enriching and empowering relationships needed to achieve meaningful outcomes.