Professional development

Developing expertise from experience.

Developing experience into expertise ensures succession planning for the lived experience of suicide movement.

Being a lived experience of suicide representative with an open mind and desire to continually learn from others leads to incredible opportunities to elevate your voice and insights. People with lived experience of suicide can and need to be partners in system reform, policy, and research, and lead the design of new services and innovative approaches to saving lives.

Our Lived Experience Professional Development Program provides a range of opportunities for people to further explore and develop their ability to combine their skills and experience of suicide to into a sophisticated expertise contributing to the specific areas of suicide prevention aligned with their interests, skills sets and passions.

Our Lived Experience Professional Development Program aims to provide a range of opportunities for you to expand your knowledge of the suicide prevention sector, increase your skills, engage in interesting conversations and make connections with other people. The Program consists of a number of opportunities including:

  • Future Leaders – a 12 month structured leadership program (coming soon)
  • Co-chair Skills Development – a 6 session program designed to develop skills of those leading groups
  • Professional Development webinar series
  • LE Designated Role Community of Practice (coming soon)

Professional Development Opportunities

Future Leaders

Currently being developed, the Future Leaders Program will be a professional development initiative, grounded in community advocacy and social change, designed to build the capability, knowledge and confidence of natural lived experience leaders in community. This initiative will seek to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the lived experience of suicide movement. This initiative will draw on a diverse range of subject matter expertise from various organisations and communities for content and delivery.

Professional Development Webinar Series

A series of webinars to support individuals and organisations, the sector, workplaces, services and government to integrate and partner with people with lived experience of suicide.
Learn more