Roses in the Ocean has a proud history and reputation of generating evidence and best practice within the sphere of lived experience of suicide and suicide prevention more broadly, and it is our responsibility and passion to ensure we deliver on our purpose of saving lives and reducing emotional distress and pain.

Our Organisational Impact Framework supports our innovative culture while ensuring evaluation informs continuous improvement, and the intended impact for people with a lived experience of suicide remains forever at the forefront of all we do. It is also critical that we are measuring the impact of the process Roses in the Ocean engages to achieve outcomes.

We believe we must model the highest of standards of what is needed in lived experience of suicide leadership, which includes having the humility to know we are always learning and there is always room for improvement. Our impact work simply strengthens the Roses in the Ocean narrative.

Read our Outcomes and Impact Framework

Guiding Principles of our approach to our Organisational Impact Framework:

  • lived experience-centric: we are focused on measuring outcomes that are important to people with lived experience of suicide. The development of our Impact Framework has been guided and informed by input from people with lived experience of suicide and will be implemented and managed with lived experience of suicide ‘at the centre’ of all processes.
  • stories over statistics: we will utilise varied methodology when measuring our impact. While quantitative measurements are useful and will be employed, we will focus on the insights gained through anecdotal stories (qualitative data). Providing those who are impacted by the services we provide an opportunity to tell their story allows the work we do to come to life through narrative and reflection.
  • efficiency and effectiveness: this Impact Framework is intended to operate in parallel to and complement existing reporting and operational requirements. We will utilise and streamline existing processes and procedures where appropriate, and ensure our implementation of this Impact Framework is both resourceful and cost-effective. 
  • ongoing learning and sectoral influence: we are committed to continued learning, iteration and improvement as an organisation, and will use the evidence collected to review and modify our services. Additionally, and importantly, we are focused on utilising the data, stories and information gathered to influence the lived experience of suicide and suicide prevention sectors; continuing to advocate for, and realise greater support for, lived experience integration and partnership at all levels in suicide prevention.