I am caring for someone who is suicidal

At Roses in the Ocean we acknowledge those of you who care for loved ones through suicidal crisis.

We acknowledge the fear and helplessness you experience, and your endless endeavours to empower them to live.

We know that people with a lived experience of suicide bring insight, wisdom and perspective that is critical to informing the best approaches to reducing emotional distress and pain and saving lives. We also know that people who have cared for a loved one through suicidal crisis are acutely aware of what fear, helplessness and conflicting emotions feel like – and what helped them help their loved one.

Roses in the Ocean has worked with countless family members, partners, and friends of loved ones who are considering that suicide is the only option remaining for them to stop the pain they are experiencing. We have listened and learned from those who have experienced this for a short intense period of time and others who live with the fear of their loved one ending their life every day. We have heard stories from parents supporting their children, children supporting their parents, friends, family members, work colleagues and partners to create the following resources for individuals who are caring for someone who is in crisis.

If you are someone helping someone you love to stay safe – for now, for this day, this week, we hope these resources bring comfort and insights that you can draw on.  We want you to know that you are not alone – there are people throughout our communities that care and want to walk alongside you. We care.

If you are someone who wants to understand suicide better, are here to listen and learn, we hope these resources will help you open your hearts and minds to the experiences people endure and the resilience and tenacity they have. We hope through listening deeply you will also gain confidence in your ability to reach in and walk alongside someone in need.

Alongside online resources such as fact sheets and information guides, Roses in the Ocean brings the voice of lived experience to suicide prevention activities by way of inspiring and informative interviews and podcasts with people who have walked a similar path to you. We will continue to listen, learn and provide a platform for your stories and insights to help others.

Suggested Resources

Ode to carers

So, what do we do now? That moment. That look.

Mar 21 2022, 3.32am
carer , family and friends , women
Roses in the Ocean speaks with Cheryl

In this short video, Cheryl shares the stories and insights…

Feb 21 2022, 4.55am
carer , family and friends , lived experience video series , mother
Roses Radio with Alex

In this Roses Radio podcast, Alex shares the stories and…

Oct 17 2022, 5.49am
bereaved , carer , family and friends , mother , roses radio , youth
At the chalkface of suicide

I experience the extraordinary privilege of being an educator. Teachers…

Mar 21 2022, 3.41am
carer , family and friends , women
Collective Voices | Family & Friends with Mel

Representing the countless voices and experiences through stories and insights…

May 24 2023, 3.04pm
carer , family and friends , hope , lived experience , lived experience video series