Roses in the Ocean speaks with Kym

Member of Roses in the Ocean Lived Experience Collective, Kym shares some of the valuable insights gained from his lived experience of suicide.

A single farmer, living alone, isolated and remote, Kym’s story is likely quite common in rural and regional Australia.

In this Roses Radio podcast, Kym shares the stories and insights of his lived experience of suicide.

A single farmer, living alone, isolated and remote, with too much time to think about life’s challenges. Kym’s story is likely quite common in rural and regional Australia. Kym discusses the importance of connections and sharing with the right people in your life, whether they are a professional, a member of your family, or in Kym’s case, a fellow farmer experiencing similar thoughts.

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Date Published
December 13, 2021
lived experience video series , men , regional , remote , rural , suicidal thoughts , suicidality
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