Voices of In-sight | Hobart

Many people within our communities have a lived experience of suicide, be that through having experienced suicidal thoughts; survived a suicide attempt; cared for someone through suicidal crisis; or being bereaved through suicide.

Your voice, insight and wisdom is critically important to guide suicide prevention activity in your local region and will help enrich the work by the Australian Department of Health.

An opportunity now exists for you to participant in a lived experience designed and delivered speakers training and capacity building workshop, facilitated by Roses in the Ocean.

‘Voices of In-Sight’ speakers training is a unique opportunity to reflect on your lived experience and learn how to share your personal story for greatest impact and influence. We will work alongside you to help you discover the components of your lived experience of suicide that can help others and present your insights in a meaningful way.

For more information about the Voices of In-Sight Lived Experience workshop, view the Workshop Outline.

When considering this opportunity, please read ‘Readiness to be involved in suicide prevention’ to support you to make an informed decision.

Workshop details

Date: Friday 25 – Saturday 26 August; 8:30am – 4:30pm

Location: Hobart, TAS

How do I register?

Please click below to register your interest in attending this workshop. If you require assistance to complete the online form, please call us on 1300 411 461 and we will help.

Expression of Interest

Date Published
July 3, 2023
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