Roses in the Ocean has created the following resources to specifically support people with lived experience of suicide who are engaged in various suicide prevention activities.
Resources for lived experience representatives
This document explores a number of considerations for you to explore in order to make an informed decision about your readiness to become involved in suicide prevention. Is it the right time for you, or others who are part of your lived experience story? There will always be other opportunities, so taking the time to work through this self guided worksheet can be a useful activity to help you decide what’s best for you
Whether you are dipping your toe in or seeking to Immerse yourself in suicide prevention activities, taking care of yourself and embedding self care into everyday life is incredibly important. We don’t wait for a fire alarm to sit down and work out the evacuation plan – nor is it wise to wait until we feel overwhelmed or consumed with strong emotions before we sit down and develop our self care plan. This simple plan might be a good place for you to start or use as a foundation to develop something just right for you.
Attending suicide prevention events and conferences provide a great opportunity to meet other people with lived experience of suicide, network with others in the sector, learn from others and contribute your unique lived experience insights and wisdom. It can also be confronting, exhausting and a little overwhelming. Here are a few tips about taking care of yourself at events.
Whilst it is important that we talk about suicide and don’t sterilise our conversations, it is also imperative that we use safe and appropriate language that does not cause emotional distress or harm to others. Language is always evolving and no one or no one organisation ‘owns’ language. Our guide is simply a compilation of what we have heard and learnt over more than a decade from other people with lived experience of suicide. You may not agree with everything in it, which is okay and we are always interested to hear your views so we can keep updating this guide.
Lived experience stories are powerful and can be incredibly impactful when shared with purpose in a way that is appropriately crafted to your audience. Engaging with the media is one avenue through which you may share your lived experience. It is important that you are prepared thoroughly however, as working with the media can range from a truly enjoyable experience to one that is bruising and distressing. Being prepared gives you the best chance of getting your message across the way you want to, managing tricky questions and being comfortable with the final product. You may like to consider attending our Lived Experience in the Media workshop also.
Sharing your lived experience story can be educational, raise awareness and a catalyst for change. Roses in the Ocean offers speakers training (Voices of In-Sight) and support (National Mentoring Program) for people with lived experience of suicide. The Speaker Request form is sent to all organisations who request a speaker so that we can ensure you have all the details you need about the speaking engagement and that support is available on the day for you and members of the audience. If you are invited to speak and would like Roses in the Ocean to provide support to you for the event, you may like to provide the organisation with this form.
A selection of tips from a number of our existing Voices of In-Sight Speakers Hub speakers for people new to speaking about their lived experience of suicide. We would love to add your tips too if there is anything you think would be helpful to others!