Towards zero suicides initiatives
Roses in the Ocean’s involvement in NSW Towards Zero Suicides Initiatives include:
- Lived Experience enhancement across NSW – Lived Experience Advisory Groups
- Alternative to ED – co-design lead
- SP Peer Workforce Development Services
- Post Suicide Support (consortium partner) – co-design, SP Peer Workforce
- Youth Aftercare Program (consortium partner)
- Gatekeeper training – Community TouchPoints Trainers
Links to key resources and documents
NSW Ministry of Health – Statewide requirement documents:
Orientation Webinar to Alt to ED: Safe Havens Co-Design
Stephen Scott (former Mgr Suicide Prevention), Dr David Alcorn (Clinical Director ISLHD), Carrie Lumby (formerly Lived Experience – Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative and ISLHD Steering Committee), Bronwen Edwards (CEO, Roses in the Ocean) –
Webinar – NSW MoH and agency for clinical innovation
Webinar on the co-design process being used in the Zero Suicides in Care initiative, facilitated by Stephen Scott and presented by Margaret Kelly, Stephen Adei, Carrie Lumby, held on 18 March 2020
Overview of our role in lived experience, Alt to ED: Safe Havens Co-design, SP Peer Workforce Development and Support Services
Presentation to LHDs regarding Lived Experience engagement and Alternative to ED Co-design
Summary document of LHD and Roses in the Ocean responsibilities across various projects
Frequently asked questions and the role of LHDs
Find answers to questions being asked by various LHDs regarding Lived Experience Advisory Groups and the co-design process for Alternative to ED Safe Havens. This is being added to regularly as questions arise.
A lived experience of emergency departments
Caroline shares her experience in an Emergency Department in 2019
Participant experience of the online co-design experience
Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD share their experience undertaking co-design online
Our involvement in Towards Zero Suicides Initiatives
Lived Experience of Suicide Engagement – Roses in the Ocean has been contracted to support the meaningful engagement of people with lived experience of suicide across all of the Towards Zero Suicides Initiatives. This engagement includes:
- The establishment of Lived Experience Advisory Groups (LEAGs) in some LHDs
- The provision of lived experience training to new members joining existing lived experience networks
- Two lived experience workshops (Our Voice in Action and LaunchPad) being offered to LHDs
Alternatives to ED: Safe Havens co-design – Roses in the Ocean will lead and/or support the co-design of twenty ‘Safe Havens’. LHDs who have experience in co-design and may have already commenced this process will be able to indicate how Roses in the Ocean and Beacon Strategies can further support their work.
Lived Experience ‘Lifekeeper’ training – a pilot is being conducted in two LHD regions (Hunter New England and Western NSW) to build the capacity of community members with a lived experience of suicide to become community ‘TouchPoints’ trainers. These trainers will be able to deliver the lived experience designed and delivered Lifekeeper workshop. Each LHD will receive a total of twelve TouchPoints workshops during the pilot.
Suicide Prevention Peer Workforce Development Services – the SP Peer Workforce Development Service is a suite of training for:
- SP Peer Workers and organisations
- Independent support services (individual peer mentoring, group co-reflection)
- A statewide Community of Practice for the SP Peer Workers recruited into Alternatives to ED: Safe Havens and
Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT)
SP Peer Worker (crisis support) provides a supportive and non-judgmental space for SP Peer Workers to consider the practice guidance provided by general Peer Work courses, such as Intentional Peer Support and the Certificate IV in Peer Work, and gain understanding and skill in applying this in the context of suicide prevention. It specifically focuses on what Peer Work values, principles and approaches mean in the challenging environment of a suicide prevention service and how to manage difficulties that are unique to this environment. Read more here.
Read an overview of Roses in the Ocean’s independent SP Peer Workforce Development Services here.
Considerations for local health districts
- If you already have an established group of people with a Lived Experience of suicide, you may like to offer the Roses in the Ocean training to additional interested LE community members to join your existing group.
- Recruitment and Screening – refer to FAQs
- Once the LEAG is formed they provide a unique and integral resource of lived experience insights and perspectives to the following initiatives within the LHDs across NSW:
- Alternatives to ED: Safe Havens
- Zero Suicides in Care
- Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams
- Post Suicide Support initiatives
- Larger LHD regions are being offered the equivalent of 2 x LEAG workshops – 20 LE people trained.
You may choose to have two groups – one centrally located close to your LHD office so face to face meetings are feasible and one group made up of people from all other parts of your region; OR simply train twenty people from across the region and connect with them via virtual means.
- Once the LEAG is formed they provide a unique and integral resource of lived experience insights and perspectives to the following initiatives within the LHDs across NSW:
- Ongoing LEAG co-ordination Local Health District’s Role
- Nominate a staff member to coordinate the ongoing LEAG meetings and involvement
- Engage the LEAG in monthly meetings to discuss and enable contribution into LHD activity in Towards Zero Suicide initiatives
- Embed members of the LEAG into various working groups, co-design projects, Steering Group / Implementation Committees etc
- Roses in the Ocean’s Role
- National Mentoring Call Back Service
- NSW LEAG Program Administrator & LE Coordinator will stay in touch with LEAG via email or zoom (their choice)
- Invitation to join the Roses in the Ocean’s Lived Experience Collective
Key contacts
Lived Experience Advisory Group
Andrea Reed (Workshops Manager): [email protected]
Co-design of Alternatives to ED
Crystal Paniccia: [email protected]
Other key contacts:
Bronwen Edwards (CEO): [email protected]